houston photographer, lifestyle photography, photograph your kids

February 1, 2017

Capturing Your Littles


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I want to travel the world with my little ones. I want to find the beauty & joy in parenting. I want to raise good people. I want to enjoy style & beauty. I want to create a warm & beautiful home. This is where I share my attempts at doing it all...


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houston photographer, lifestyle photography, photograph your kids

Can I tell you how often people tell me that I must have a really nice camera because “it takes such great photos”? Well, let me tell you a secret that every photographer knows… the camera doesn’t make the photos, the photographer does. But you want to know what is the great news about that? It means I can teach you how to take great photos of your kids with whatever camera you already have!

I know, why on earth would I do that? Well, it’s simple – I truly believe that it is so important that every child be photographed beautifully. It shows your child that you love them. Don’t believe me? Check out this article to explain why… No really, click over, do a quick read and I will be here when you get back…

Okay, so now that we all agree that showcasing our kids establishes their worth in our eyes, let me share a few tips and tricks to help you make some magic.

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Photographer Tip #1: Find the Light!

This is the most essential thing to capturing gorgeous photos. Glance over and notice how the light is streaming in from the window onto your child on the sofa? Guess what, you just found a photo spot in your home. Seriously, this is the first thing I do when I get to a session… I walk the home and look for window light. Nothing is more flattering that light coming in from a window. It’s soft and wraps around your subject and can be manipulated depending on how you use it. My suggestion for the average mom-tographer is to position your child at an angle to the window. This will create nice catch lights in their eyes and also avoid tricky situations like backlighting which require a deeper knowledge of working your camera.

houston baby photographer, natural light photography, how to photograph babies

Photographer Tip #2: Get Eye Level

Have you ever noticed how most parents stand tall and aim the camera at their kid without changing body position at all? And then they tell the kid to look at the camera. Kid looks up awkwardly and parent snaps… and a lack luster unflattering photo is the result. But the great news is there is a super easy fix — get that camera eye level. Yes, that may mean kneeling, squatting or even lying on your belly depending on your childs age but I guarantee being eye level with them will not only great a more flattering shot, it will also engage your child in a more meaningful way with your photo-taking.

houston photographer, lifestyle photography, how to photograph your kids

Photographer Tip #3: Let Your Little One Lead

Does this sound familiar: you get your kid all dressed in something they find uncomfortable, you make them stand in one spot and then tell them to smile. And they give you an annoyed look with a half smile and then utter “all done?” You say through gritted teeth “not until you give me a real smile” to which they have an even more annoyed look and forced smile… You aren’t alone. Photographing your own kids is by far the hardest – just ask any photographer! But here is the trick, let your little one lead. Get them involved. Let them pick out what they are wearing – or better yet, just wait until they are already wearing what you like and they are happy in it. Next make it fun – no one likes standing stick still in front of a camera and feeling weird. Let them sit down and hug their favorite lovey. Ask them to be silly with it, playing peek-a-boo, snuggling it close, and telling it a story. You will capture their natural sweetness and create a special keepsake of their childhood favorite.

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Photographer Tip #4: Spy On Them

You know those moments that the house is suddenly peaceful and you hear your kids giggling with each other? Grab the camera and play spy… stand back and look into the room they are playing in. Be sure to include some of the door frame or something else to include in the frame to show that you are peeking in on their moment. I promise that you will look back on those photos and love them so much because they show your kids being themselves.

houston childrens photographer, houston family photographer, how to photograph your kids

Photographer Tip #5: Know When to Put the Camera Away

The last thing you want is for your kids to cringe when they see the camera come out. If you push a photo session past its limits you won’t receive a good response the next time. Recognize the signs that your little one isn’t feeling it and respect those feelings. Put yourself in their shoes and think about the times someone has forced you into a photo you aren’t feeling… Your kids have the same feelings. Put the camera down and enjoy your little one. You are not going to get a great shot when it is forced anyway. If you are lucky you can try again after a few minutes of a reset. Otherwise, just set the camera aside and try again another day.

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Photographer Tip #6: Above All, Be Ready!

Seriously, be ready! And the best news is, it could not be easier with cameras on our phones. Keep it at hand even when home and relaxing and be ready to snap when that perfect moment with the perfect light arises. Seeing the light, knowing the moment and having a camera handy will allow you to get wall worthy images of your little ones to treasure forever.


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