2020 is here and I’m looking ahead…
I’m thinking about how I spend my hours. I’m a decade into parenting now and it’s not lost on me that I’ve got less than 8 years of my oldest still home with me.
And as I think about those coming years, I’m cognizant of the fact that how I shape those years and the ones that follow with her & her siblings will impact the relationship we have as they all eventually move on in life. How do I want us all to look back on our years under the same roof and what legacy of motherhood do I want to leave for them…
So as I approach this year ahead, I’m finding I want to leave my stamp on the motherhood world. I want to be a voice that shares the beauty and the love… that acknowledges the hard days and the full body & the full emotional exhaustion but focuses on the joy that raising little ones brings to my life… I want to be a voice that cheers on the moms surrounding me… that realizes we won’t all do it the same but focuses on that if we lead with our hearts, we are on the right track… and I want to be THE voice that my little ones hear in their mind and heart in moments of joy, sorrow and all the in-betweens… that sees them for who they uniquely are and focus on all they can be & all the love they share…
So as I shift my focus to be sure to include those things, you may notice some changes. You may hear me talk about motherhood more and photography less – I’m by no means leaving photography behind. Rather I’m adding voice to the truths I’ve seen working with so many mamas over the years. You may hear more about brands I love and products I use daily – because over the years I’ve learned one truth to be so important for my sanity as a mom: you’ve got to put on your own oxygen mask first. And sometimes that oxygen mask comes in the form of a 10 minute skin care routine each night despite the cries for me to be all the things to all the kids at that same moment. I’m sure you’ll hear about living through home remodels (we’ve got more on the horizon). And I know you will hear me championing other women who are blowing me away with the things they are achieving and how they are inspiring me while double-tasking as full time mamas as well…
And I hope you walk away from hearing it all with the feeling in your heart that you’ve got me in your corner, living the same daily struggles and cheering you on and reminding you that you’ve got this mama. Because you do.
And I hope you’ll be here, reminding me of the same…
So cheers to 2020 my friends…