Reading has not come easy to this kiddo of mine despite being smart as anything. Its been a work in progress and we are still unraveling it…
We’ve had so many days of frustration and tears. We’ve seen him have moments of shutting down and pure discouragement. We’ve seen avoidance and disinterest.
But in the last few weeks, we began to explore the world of dyslexia. It is both so much more complex and so much more simple than I ever imagined. And at first, I felt like this journey was a quiet one to navigate. But the more I learn, the more I’ve needed the knowledge and resources of parents who have navigated these waters before.
And something awesome happened… I sat down to explain, in simple terms, dyslexia to my guy and as I dove into it, I asked him if the struggles I was describing felt like him, he nodded with a look of anticipation. And as I told him that if we are correct, there are tools we can teach him to make the struggles easier and he lit up. It almost brought tears to my eyes to see the hope restored in his little face. He felt so encouraged to know that other kids struggle too…
And as I have learned more and more, it’s amazingly cool the science behind dyslexia. It’s a whole world that I never knew anything about beyond existing and all my perceptions of how it works were way off. Man, science is cool…
But this kid, this same kid that was discouraged and frustrated a few weeks ago, came home today bursting with excitement to show me his book fair purchases. He is excited to read. He’s barely seen the peak of the iceberg but just knowing that the tools are coming, he is excited to read!
And that right there is ultimate joy for this mama who has had ALL the emotions over the last three weeks…
And I share this for the mama who just feels in her gut that she knows something, anything, is up with her kiddo. Talk about it out loud. You never know who else is going through the same thing and can guide you through the waters…